Saturday, March 8, 2025

Bogota Borough Council

Thursday-6-March, the Bogota Borough Council held their Work Session meeting for the month. After Citizens Remarks, the first order of business was to vote on two resolutions. The first was to accept the retirement of Bogota Fire Marshal Mr. Louis Kern. Mr. Kern served as the Fire Marshal for 30 years. The next resolution was to appoint Mr. Daniel Klima to the position of Fire Marshal for the Borough of Bogota. Mr. Klima is now the third person to hold this position in the history of Bogota.  Both resolutions were passed by unanimous vote. Then Mr. Klima was given the oath of office by Bogota Mayor Ms. Daniel Fede with his family.
  After the ceremony, the Members of Council then heard from the Borough Administrator about which of the Borough’s roads will be considered for improvement under the next annual budget.  This was followed by the introduction of a new Ordinance. This ordinance is to amend the Borough Code to include:  The Borough shall inspect every single-family, two-family, and multiple rental dwellings located within the Borough when there is a tenant turnover for lead based paint hazards, on or before July 22, 2024, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, all such units shall be inspected for lead-based paint hazards the earlier of every three years or upon tenant turnover, except that an inspection upon tenant turnover shall not be required if the owner has a valid lead-safe certification.
Along with a fee schedule for such services and allowing the inspection of a third-party contractor. This will be presented for Public Comment on the next Council Meeting on Thursday-20-March.
  Then the Council voted on other resolutions on the Consent Agenda. All items were approved, most by unanimous vote. Some Council members abstained or recused themselves from voting on some resolutions to avoid a conflict of interest.
Resolutions of note were:
-To award the contract for the construction of a new Community Center in Olsen Park.
-To hire part-time labors for the Bogota Department of Public Works.
-To approve a fundraising Boot Drive for the Bogota Junior Police Academy on Saturday-17-May.
The next regular Council meeting will be held on Thursday-20-March starting at 7:30p. It is scheduled to be held in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of 375 Larch Ave Bogota, NJ.  For more information please visit:

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