Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Red Ribbon Week

On Tuesday-22-October, staff members of Bogota Borough Hall, along with Police Officers of the Bogota Police Department gathered on the steps in front of Borough Hall.  This was to commemorate the beginning of “Red Ribbon Week” in Bogota.
  This starts on Wednesday-23-October to 31-October. It is to remember Officer Enrique Camarena who was a Special Agent and Intelligent Officer for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration ((DEA) stationed in Mexico. On 7-February 1985 Officer Camarena was kidnapped then later killed in Mexico by members of a drug cartel.  Soon the DEA would award Officer Camarena the Administrator's Award of Honor posthumously
 The “Red Ribbon Week” is also a time, nationally, to teach school Students and youths to avoid drug use, in his memory. 
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