(Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by
contributing at Donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
Starting on Monday-10-July PSE&G will be working on W. Ft Lee Rd. between River Rd and Elm Ave. between 7:30am and 5:30pm. This to install new, durable plastic and/or coated steel gas piping. For more information, please visit their website at https://pseg.com/gaswork or call 833-661- 6100.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Starting on Monday-10-July PSE&G will be working on W. Ft Lee Rd. between River Rd and Elm Ave. between 7:30am and 5:30pm. This to install new, durable plastic and/or coated steel gas piping. For more information, please visit their website at https://pseg.com/gaswork or call 833-661- 6100.
Starting: Thursday-22-August to Friday-30-August
On or about Thursday-22-August River Rd will have detours due to milling from the Ridgefield Park border to the Teaneck border starting 7:00a to 4:00p each day.
On or about Thursday-29-August River Road will have detours due to paving from the Ridgefield Park border to the Teaneck border stating 7:00a to 4:00p each day.
Plan alternate routes and expect delays. Traffic control officers will be on scene to assist in detour route.
On or about Thursday-29-August River Road will have detours due to paving from the Ridgefield Park border to the Teaneck border stating 7:00a to 4:00p each day.
Plan alternate routes and expect delays. Traffic control officers will be on scene to assist in detour route.
Work will begin at the Ridgefield Park boarder and move North to Teaneck.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Continuing: until Monday-30-September
The Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS) is selling BCCLS T-Shirts from now until Monday-30-September. Proceeds will go to the BCCLS Scholarship Fund.
For more information, about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/ The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Continuing: until Monday-30-September
The Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS) is holding a VIP Guest Pass Tour. Visit any of the BCCLS libraries in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Passaic Counties to have a chance to win a $50.00 Vista Gift Card from now until Monday-30-September.
For more information, about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/ The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park has made available the sign up and the trial period for their Food Waste Municipal Composting Program through the end of the year.
Information at: https://ow.ly/Hsg750RfGC2
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Ridgefield Park, NJ
NJ Batman will host a Bat Walk stating at 7:00p. This will be presented by Mr. Joseph D’Angeli who will explain what look for and listen to spot bats in the early twilight. There will additional activities and education. It will start in the Parking lot at the base of Brinkerhoff St. For more information go to thebatcave.org
Or call 201-257-2231
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Or call 201-257-2231
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have a 1,2,3 Come & Read with me workshop at 12:00n. This will be an afternoon of interactive literacy including Spanish and English stories and songs. Ven a disfrutar con nosotros de una tarde de cuentos y canciones en español e inglés.
For more information, and to register, about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/ The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have a 1,2,3 Come & Read with me workshop at 12:00n. This will be an afternoon of interactive literacy including Spanish and English stories and songs. Ven a disfrutar con nosotros de una tarde de cuentos y canciones en español e inglés.
For more information, and to register, about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/ The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have their next Bogota Test Kitchen meeting. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
The Bogota Public Library will host their next Paint by Numbers in cooperation with the BACSA Coalition event. at 4:00p. This will be held in front of the Library. Registrations are recommended. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will host their next Paint by Numbers in cooperation with the BACSA Coalition event. at 4:00p. This will be held in front of the Library. Registrations are recommended. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
The Bogota Public Library will have Minecraft workshop at 6:30p. It will be held in the second floor Seniors Centre. Registrations are required. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Bogota Board of Education will hold their Regular Meeting at 7:00p. This meeting will be held at Bogota High School Cafeteria, located at 2 Henry C. Luthin Pl, Bogota, NJ and will also be held remotely. Members of the public may observe and participate in the public portion of the meetings by clicking and following the aforementioned link of the District’s website or by calling: One tap mobile: A copy of the Agenda for the Board’s meeting is available to the public at https://www.bogotaboe.com/Page/2279 In advance of the remote public meeting, the Board shall allow public comments to be submitted to the Board Secretary by electronic mail and in written letterform by Tuesday-27-August 10:00a to Mr. Irfan Evcil, Board Secretary at: ievcil@bogotaboe.com
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Bogota Board of Education will hold their Regular Meeting at 7:00p. This meeting will be held at Bogota High School Cafeteria, located at 2 Henry C. Luthin Pl, Bogota, NJ and will also be held remotely. Members of the public may observe and participate in the public portion of the meetings by clicking and following the aforementioned link of the District’s website or by calling: One tap mobile: A copy of the Agenda for the Board’s meeting is available to the public at https://www.bogotaboe.com/Page/2279 In advance of the remote public meeting, the Board shall allow public comments to be submitted to the Board Secretary by electronic mail and in written letterform by Tuesday-27-August 10:00a to Mr. Irfan Evcil, Board Secretary at: ievcil@bogotaboe.com
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Borough Planning Board meeting starting at 7:00p. The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, located at 375 Larch Ave. This is an In-person meeting only. More information can be found at https://www.bogotaonline.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) 
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have "Tiny But Mighty" story time reading starting at 10:30a. This is for Children ages 3 three years and younger. This will include stories and songs. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The final concert of the 2024 Ridgefield Park Concert Series will open with a performance by the Sandy Stones Trio starting at 6:00p. They will be followed by Taxi after the intermission.
Ridgefield Park, NJ
It is advised anyone attending should bring Chairs or Blankets to enjoy the show. In case of in-clement weather the concert will be moved to the Knights of Columbus Hall at 106 Bergen Ave.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Wednesday -28-August
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Ther Ridgefield Park of Education meeting will start the Public Session of the meeting will begin at 7:30p. This will be held in High School Cafeteria, located at 1 Ozzie Nelson Dr. and online. For more information, please go to: https://www.rpps.net/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library Adventure Begins Storytime starting at 10:30a. This will take place at the second floor Senior Center. Registrations are required. For more information about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library Adventure Begins Storytime starting at 10:30a. This will take place at the second floor Senior Center. Registrations are required. For more information about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Teaneck NJ
Teaneck Farmers’ Market every Thursday until 16-November from 12pm to 6pm
Teaneck NJ
Teaneck Farmers’ Market every Thursday until 16-November from 12pm to 6pm
and Sunday, November 19 from 1pm -5pm. It is located in the Garrison St. Municipal parking lot along Beverly Rd Teaneck, NJ. There is additional parking available nearby.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Teaneck, NJ
The Women’s support group "Never Alone Again" and the Bergen County Food Security Task Force is offering hot meals to go curbside pick-up every Friday starting at 5:00p This will be held at their resource center located at 668 American Legion Dr. Teaneck, NJ. For more information, please call 201-289-1718 or visit their website at www.neveraloneagain.org
The Bogota Public Library be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend.
Ridgefield Park NJ
The Ridgefield Park Public Library be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend.
Labor Day
The Bogota Public Library be closed until Tuesday -3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend.
The Bogota Borough Hall be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend. The Recycling Centre will be closed and, there will be no yard waste pick-up. Both the Recycling Center will be open, and yard pick-up will be Tuesday-3-September
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Public Library be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend.
The Ridgefield Park Recycling Centre be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend. There will be no Trash pick-up. Yard Waste will be picked-up from Mt. Veron St and South.
The Ridgefield Park Municipal Building be closed until Tuesday-3-September in Observance of the Labor Day Weekend.
(Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by
contributing at Donate to Bogota B
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