Thursday, August 8, 2024

Duty Day 5


 On Thursday-25-July, the Bogota Junior Police Academy held their fifth Duty Day. The Cadets would travel to the GOAT Climbing Gym, an indoor rock-climbing venue in Hackensack. Each Cadet was first fitted with a safety harness to be worn at all times in the building. The squads would move through four separate locations during their time there. One area was to simulate climbing over boulders. With the highest point being only about 12 feet so it could be used for free climbing without the need to attach the harness to safety ropes. The floor was heavily padded with GOAT instructors telling the Cadets on the technique to climb and to land on the mats. This area also provided obstacles so the climbing would need to horizontal to the ground.
 Another squad would start a medium-sized course with 20-foot climbing walls and small handholds. This is where the Cadets learn how to attach themselves to a belays in-order to climb the wall. This had an Auto Belay, so the climber had personal control of their descent. There was also a Manned Belays where the instructor would support the climber as well as the speed of their descent. The Cadets were told how to communicate with the Belayer as they call out instructions. On the descent the climber would need to show trust to the Belayer as they are let go of the rock face and ropes and allow the Belayer to lower them to the ground.
 The Main area had 60’ walls degrees of with varying degrees of difficulties. While the Auto Belay section was the most used, Cadets tried all the walls available. These feature the ascent both inside and outside corner to move to upward. As the Academy’s time continued at the GOAT more Cadets started to reach the top of the highest walls. While these assents were taking place they were encouraged by fellow Cadets and Instructors from both the Academy and the GOAT
For more information about GOAT Climbing please visit their website at:

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