Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Duty Day 4

 On Wednesday-24-July, the Bogota Junior Police Academy held their fourth Duty Day. The Cadets went to the Bogota Swim Club pool for Water Rescue training. Members of the Bogota Volunteer Rescue Squads were present to demonstrate both water and dry land rescues. The Squads were assigned to four different stations. One was to learn how to safely remove a victim that may be trapped in a vehicle. Cadets donned turnout suits, work gloves along with head and eye protection. They were shown how to break into a closed window easily, and which tools to use to clear all the remaining glass for both the rescuers and victims’ safety. They also used the equipment to pry open a stuck door, along with the tool that can cut through the roof supports to remove the entire  top for easier access to the victim.
 The next station was to simulate a confined space extraction. This was to teach how to safely remove a victim from an enclosed space. The Cadets needed to wear oxygen tanks that may be needed in extreme situations. The Cadets took turns as the crawl team, which would go into the situation to remove the victim, also a Cadet. The crawl team placed and secured the victim to a back board. They moved the victim to the opening while other Cadets became the Pull Team to assist in moving the victim to safety. The space was made up of traffic barriers and plywood. To add realism Instructors would randomly spray water on the crawl team to challenge their focus. 
   A third Station was the Scuba instruction. This was used to help teach the Cadets how to move in unfamiliar environments with confidence. Members of Blue Water Diving instructed the Cadets how to dress in SCUBA gear and given lessons on how to breathe and move underwater. Then they circled the South end of the pool, submerged the entire time.
  The fourth station was to teach how a person on land can rescue a victim in the water. Half of the squad were to jump off the high board so they could be saved by the others throwing them a life preserver. A few Cadets hesitated and were wary of going off the high board. They were reinsured by the Instructors that they would be safe. After a few moments of listening to the Instructors and encouragement from Squad Mates, each Cadet would take the step into the air and safely land in the water. This was an example of the principals of the Academy. Trust, teamwork, and pushing oneself beyond what they thought they could do and accomplishing their goals.
 The Bogota Rescue Squad is now currently recruiting new members to become volunteers. Prospective candidates need to be at least 16 years of age, in good health and residents of Bogota or one of our surrounding communities. If you fit these conditions, you are welcome to apply to our organization. We will provide you with all necessary training, you just need to provide us with your dedication and commitment. 
For information on membership, email them at recruiting@bogotarescue.org or stop by the Kennedy Emergency Services Building on Friday night between 7:30 and 8:00
For more information about Blue Water Divers is available at: https://www.bluewaterdivers.com/


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