Monday, August 5, 2024

Duty Day 3

 On Tuesday-23-July, the Bogota Junior Police Academy held their third Duty Day . Their first training session was to learn CPR and other first aid techniques that can be used in case of emergencies. These were presented by Lieutenant Geoffery Cole of the Bogota Police Department. He   started with teaching about CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and under what circumstances a person may need CPR. He explained that the techniques to be discussed can be useful in many emergencies in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. This may be caused by a heart attack, or near drowning situation. Lt. Cole first talked about what should be done if anyone sees another person in distress. As quickly as possible, to see if the person is responsive, see if there is someone responsible nearby who can call for help from a first responder, or offer assistance. Lt. Cole demonstrated how to perform chest compressions to allow the victim’s blood to keep circulation to the Brain and other internal organs. Next, two rescue breaths should be administered to the victim, then followed by more chest compressions. Lt. Cole then showed on a resuscitation mannequin how to find the spot to perform the chest compressions. He also showed how fast and strong the compression should be. The mannequin was equipped with sounds and light to show if the compression is being done correctly. Next it was demonstrated how to position a victim’s head, and to pinch their nose to allow for a resuscitation breath. Lt. Cole informed the Cadets that for most Children and Adults the process is the same. However, on infants as  young as 4 weeks old, two thumbs should be used on the chest. To aid breathing, both the infant’s mouth and nose should be covered while only using gentle breath. The Cadets were placed into groups to practice on the resuscitation mannequins.
 The next lesson was on what should be done if a person is choking. The signs could be One or both hands clutched to the throat, A look of panic, shock, or confusion. Inability to talk, strained or noisy breathing, Squeaky sounds when trying to breathe, Cough, which may either be weak or forceful, skin, lips and nails that change color turning blue or gray, and loss of consciousness. One step is to give back blows between the person’s shoulder. Also, applying the Heimlich maneuver with quick, upward thrust at the abdomen. The last presentation by Lt. Cole talked about how to apply a tourniquet to slow the loss of blood by a victim with a large wound. He then passed around a number of devices that are used to give first aid when needed.
   Next the Class of Cadets assembled outside in formation to do a march to the Municipal Building. They started on Palisade Ave then turned west onto Main St. They moved north on Larch Ave. and stopped in front of the Municipal Building. Instructors had the Cadets perform some Physical  Training drills on the street itself. These were done with Bogota Police Chief Daniel Maye, Borough Administrator Mr. Conall O’Malley and other Borough Officials looking on. The Cadets continued their drills even with a light rain falling. When they finish, they moved right onto South St. with a second right to Elm Ave. then headed back east on Main St. and returned to the High School for their next program.
 This presentation was given by a member of the Bergen County K-9 unit. Officer Jose Jimenez addressed the Cadets and explained what his duties are as part of the K-9 unit. He said there were a number of different skills the dogs are trained for. These includes aiding their Humans to find drugs or explosives, helping to find lost, or missing people, and even to apprehend suspects. Officer Jimenez then brought in his dog Grim and started the search for an illegal substance. Once found Grim, began scratching at the scorekeepers’ table in the Gym that had the sample under it. The Officer Jimenez tossed Grim his toy which is the reward for completing his mission. Next Program Director Det. Micheal Laferrera put on a protective sleeve and posed as a suspect. When Grim was given the command, he ran towards Director Laferrera and grabbed his arm to hold him until Officer Jimenez intervened.
 After Director Laferrera was released Officer Jimenez allowed the Cadet to meet Grim up close if they wanted to.

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