Friday, August 9, 2024

Class 02 Dismissed

 On Tuesday-30-July, the Bogota Junior Police Academy (BJPA) held their Graduation Ceremony for Class 02. This was held in the Speary Gym at Bogota High School. " Scotland the Brave"  was played to announce the entrance of the 36 Cadets of this class. The Cadets marched single file in front of the bleachers  and moved into class formation at Centre Court. Then Class Commander Cadet Julia Garcia led those in attendance in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Next the class  performed a number of short order drills under the commands of Instructor Sgt. Devin Rivera, then recited the General Orders of the Academy. With this completed they march to take their seats.
  Program Director Det. Michael Laferrera thanked everyone who came to the Graduation. He then
thanked the Families for allowing their Children to be a part of Class 02. Director Laferrera added that the BJPA was honoured for the chance to continue the instruction started at home. He then played a video produced by RTT Productions which showed highlights of the nine Duty Days of Class 02. Director Laferrera then talked about when he and Chief Maye began planning to reestablish an Academy back in Bogota. He then introduced Bogota Police Chief Mr. Daniel Maye who introduced  the Mayor, members of the Council, and Trustees from the Board of Education.
 Chief Maye praised the Cadets that woke up very early during their Summer Vacations and accepted the challenge of being a part of Class 02. He said that they succeed with their Will, Hard work, and Dedication to overcome the challenges presented to them in their time at the Academy. And how this experience is part of a solid foundation for the next part of their lives. Chief Maye congratulated them in participating in one of the most difficult and demanding, both physically and mentally, Academy’s in the State of New Jersey.
 Before Director Laferrera introduced Bogota Mayor Ms. Daniele Fede he thanked her  for the generous and  continuous support of the Bogota Junior Police Academy. Mayor Fede first thanked the fundraising the Police Officers have done throughout the year, along with the other Sponsors and Vendors that support the BJPA. As a member of Bogota Rescue  Mayor Fede was able to see firsthand, the work and drive shown by the Cadets in learning and performing new skills. Also, the Respect, Teamwork, Courage, and Enthusiasm  that took part at the Academy.
 Then Director Laferrera stood in front of the stage and called out each Cadet to step forward and receive their Certificate of Completion. When the last Cadet returned to their seat he introduced the 02 Graduation Class to the sound of cheers and applause from the audience. 
  Next the Squad Leaders stepped up to say who they were. Starting with Alpha Squad leader Cadet Valentina Seoage, Bravo Squad leader Cadet Isaiah DeLeon, Charlie Squad leader Cadet Aurora Manzano, and Delta Squad leader Cadet Zoe Nunez. They all announced the members of their Squad and the achievements they accomplished during the Academy. Then Class Commander Cadet Julia Garcia talked about the class accomplishment for this year. She added that Class 02 is the best class.
 This was followed by the presentation of the Squad awards. First, Instructor, Officer George Hondros  announced Alpha Squad won the Physical Fitness Award. Mayor Fede with Rescue Squad Captain Michael Leong presented Delta Squad with the Rescue Squad award. Instructor Ms. Elizabeth Wieskus said Charlie Squad was the winner of the Academic Award. Bogota Volunteer Fire Department Chief Michael Krynicky, with the help of Director Laferrera,  gave Bravo Squad the Fire Dept. Award
   The final presentation was individual awards to select Cadets. The first was the Outstanding Service   Award to Cadet William Henry to recognize him for returning to the Academy to help in passing on the lessons of the Academy to the newer members. Next came the  Merit  Award, voted on by the Cadets themselves, this went to Cadet Julia Garcia. Then the Honor Graduate Award voted on by the Instructors for being the most “OnPoint” during their Duty Time was Cadet Rangel Tejada-Soto. The final award was the Director’s Award, this was presented to Cadet Christian Urquia for his “Outstanding” Drive and Heart as a member of Class 02.
 One final plaque was given by  Instructor  Hondros, and Class Commander  Garcia, to Director Laferrera to  recognize his dedication and commitment to the Bogota Junior Police Academy. After this, Instructor Rivera called out the order of being DISMISSED.
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