Sunday, July 21, 2024

Orientation Day

Friday-19-July, the 2024 Bogota Junior Police Academy (BJPA) had their first duty day. As the recruits were dropped off by their Parents they were greeted by Instructors asking them if they thanked their Parents for driving them to the High School, did they bring a lunch, and tell their Parents they Loved them. Then the recruits were told to move to the gym door. Instructors told the recruits that the speed in the Academy is fast, so they should not be walking. After all the recruits arrived, they were assigned their Academy number. Then they moved into Speary Gym and were asked to place their backpacks and other contraband into a secure container. Then the recruits waited for their next instructions. At this time, Program Director Det. Micheal LaFerrera, and Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Weiskus addressed the recruits. He thanked them for applying and congratulated them for being accepted into the program. He continued in saying this will be the hardest day of the Academy. Because this is designed to be a learning day for both the Student and Staff. The Instructors need to learn what each recruit can do, and what can be achieve. The recruits need to learn new skills, and how much more they can do with the self-confidence and hard work the Academy offers them.
After a brief pause the Academy Instructors burst into the gym shouting orders. The first objective was to find the Academy Backpack that match their Academy number. Then to find a water bottle that had the same number. The Instructors wanted to know why all the backpacks had not been found, where is the water bottle that goes with it, why the recruits are just standing around in no order, and when will they fall in line. As the whirlwind slowly relaxed a line of recruits began to form along the south wall of the gym. This was the time for the recruits to put on their backpacks, with the single strap being placed over their right shoulder, and the number facing out. At times, the backpack was not on correctly and a fellow recruit would display the proper method on how to wear it. The Instructors would offer words of encouragement when needed as the Duty Day progressed. Then the Instructors began to explain some basic rules as a member of the Academy. This included to do any request with a purpose, focus and speed. From moving into Squad Formation, going to the hydration station, stowing, or recovering their gear, or even asking to be excused to use the head, needed to be done quickly and safely.
Next was communication between the Instructors and the recruit. When asked a basic question as an individual or a group a response of “SIR YES SIR” or “MA’AM YES MA’AM” is required. If an Instructors yells EARS the response is “OPEN SIR” or” MA’AN” must be called out so the recruits would be quiet and prepare to listen. As these lessons were being explain some recruits would go into the locker rooms to put-on their Cadet uniform.
When all the Cadets were fully dressed, Drill and Ceremonies (D&C) training started. Before the drill began Cadets learned that an order a command will be given. A preparatory command will be said, followed by a beat then the action will be said. An example is to face right, a command of RIGHT (with a pause) FACE will be called out. A quick and smooth movement to the right should follow. The Cadets would repeat the process until it was followed without error. Then the Instructors would move on to the next command.
Through-out the Duty Day, one or two Instructors would mainly just observe the recruits. Sometime offering a calming word, or to help explain a task some more. But also, to take action if a recruit was becoming emotionally or physically overwhelmed. The recruit would be quietly taken to the first aid station and examined by the Medic. Sometime just a little extra rest, or more hydration was needed. The Medic had the final say on how long a recruit stayed in sick-bay, and only returned to the floor when it was safe.
After lunch Ms. Weiskus gave the Cadets a written exam on general Academy and Bogota knowledge. A second test will be given at the end of the Duty Time to judge the progress of the Cadets. Next was more D&C drills along with Physical Training and an assessment on their capabilities.
When this was over recruits had a chance to rest, take a breath, get a drink, and wonder what has just happen to them. Director LaFerrera told them they had experience the hardest day of the program.
Then the Cadets of 2024 Bogota Junior Police Academy had a chance to relax before being dismissed for the week
Duty Day 2 will take place at the High School with the call time of 7:30a. Cadets are to report to Bogota High School.

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