Monday, July 29, 2024

Duty Day 2

 On Monday-22-July, the Bogota Junior Police Academy held their second Duty Day. All 37 Cadets returned to continue their training. This day was mainly dedicated to Classroom work. The first lesson was given by Nurse Ms. Anna Geraghty for personal Hygiene. This class was separated into sections. One for the Female Cadets, and the other for the Male Cadets. When one class was in session the other Cadets  took part in Drill & Ceremony training.
 Next came personal defense training by Police Officer  Simon Sherfer. He showed the Cadets basic techniques on how to escape from unwanted physical contact. It was shown what position Somone's hand could be held to be most effective. Also, which parts of the body, of the attacker, are most vulnerable. Another demonstration was on how to get released if a person is grabbed.
  The next Classroom session was presented by Academy Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Wieskus. She explained  useful techniques on how to study. Ms. Weiskus began by saying most Teachers want their Students to study, but not tell them the best way to do so. She gave hints on how to take notes to help studying. She showed that not everything should be included in note taking. And to focus on the main points of  text or lecture. Ms. Weiskus then explained a Study Plan, this could help organize how, when, where, and what a Student should study in a method most comfortable for the individual.
  The next presentation was by Academy Director Det. Michael Laferrera and Instructor Sgt. Devin Riveria who talked about firearm safety. The first point they made that any weapon, and its ammunition are not toys. Both should be treated safely and with respect to avoid any injury they could cause. The cadets were shown a number of UNLOADED AND SAFE firearms that are used in Law Enforcement and in the Military. They continued in saying that all firearms and ammunition should always be stored in a secured and locked area. The two Officers reminded the Cadets that if any firearms or ammunition found outside a safe area should not be touched and should be reported to a responsible Adult as soon as possible.
  The final speaker was Sgt. (ret.) Craig Lynch who gave a lecture on Success. He listed a few points to achieve success. One was to earn respect, this can be done with doing good deeds, having  positive  accomplishments to all facets of life. (personal, social, professional, at home and in public) and sacrifice oneself when needed. This may come from doing extra work if needed, offering to help another when possible, and thinking about what may be best for the common good instead of personal goals. Another point was how to have good decision making. This can be done by not making a decision emotionally but with knowing as many facts as possible for an informed decision. A final point was to use the Chain of Command, this is to know who is in a leadership position, and to give them the respect they have earned. This could translate into that person giving more respect to you in the future.
  The final part of the duty day was to celebrate a Cadet’s Birthday. This was done with the Cadet facing the rest of the Class and listening to them sing “Happy Birthday.” Then the other Cadets did push-ups for each year of the Cadet’s life. While the Cadet being honored shot confetti over the Class. The Birthday Cadet then had to sweep up the confetti on the floor.

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