Monday, July 22, 2024

Bogota Council

 Thursday-18-July, the Bogota Borough Council held their meeting for the Month. The first order of business was to approve, then swear in two new Officers for the Bogota Police Department. Both recruits were accepted by unanimous vote. Then Officer Alejandro Santiago was sworn in by Mayor Ms. Daniele Fede. This was followed by Officer Sebastian Cabrera also given the oath of office by Mayor Fede.
 Next a presentation was made to satisfy the Bergen County Open Spaces requirement of a Change in use Hearing for a portion of Olsen Park. This is to allow the Borough to use a portion of the park as part of the planned Community Center. The Borough professionals explained what the new center will look like and how much park land will be used. A section of .35 of an Acre will be part of the Community Center that will house Public rest rooms and a snack bar. The restrooms will be accessible during regular park hours. This space will also be used as parking for the Community Center.
  The Public asked a number of questions about the effect on the current land. The answers were that a 60 ft area, from the current parking lot will be use. This calls for the removal of eight trees. The main multi-purpose room will have a Junior Varsity size Basketball Court. This room will also be used for Summer Camp, along with Student and Adult programs. There will be new entrance and exits from W. Main St.
  After this presentation one ordinance was introduced. This is to authorize replacement of sidewalks around Bixby School. It will be open for Public Discussion at a future meeting. Two ordinances were passed by unanimous vote. These are to amend the Limo & Taxi code to include new ride sharing services. The other ordinance was to regulate the filming and recording by professional companies with the Borough. This will include fees schedules and limit time of use.
  Next the Council considered the resolutions on the Consent Agenda, all items were passed by unanimous vote. Resolutions of note were to approve the upgrading of internet and network systems. This will allow the Council Meeting to again be viewed live online. The restart in online viewing is scheduled for late August. Another item was, an Emergency Authorization Declaration for sewer repairs. There was also a unanimous vote to accept Mr. Marco Navarro as a member of Bogota Volunteer Fire Department Hose Co. #2
  The next Council meeting will be Thursday-15-August in the Council Chambers at 375 Main St. Bogota. This will be an in-person meeting only and open to the Public.
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Image courtesy of Bilow Garrett Group

Image courtesy of Bilow Garrett Group

     (Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by   contributing at Donate to Bogota Blog NJ)

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