Monday, June 17, 2024

Hollywood Magic Dance Recital


 On Saturday-15-June,  the Isabel’s School of Dance held their first major recital. This took place on the Bogota High School Stage with the theme of Hollywood Magic. The program started with a video of the rehearsals and preparation for the show.
  The first performer was Ballet II’s Ms. Dafne Garcia in a solo dance. The first-class group to take the stage 
performed the Unicorn Ballet. Then a Trio from Beginner's Ballet Class performed.  Ms. Charlotte Castano from Ballet I then had a duet with instructor Ms. Isabel Herandez. Next came performances were ‘Get Down Granny” “Born to Entertain” and “I Wanna Party”
  A Tap Class duet danced to “Putting on the Ritz”. Followed by the Hip Hop Class dancing. The final performance was a duet by instructors Ms. Ariana Pizarro and Ms. Isabel Herandez.
  To end the afternoon all the dancers came on stage to take a group bow and were presented with awards commemorating their onstage performance.
  For more information about Isabel’s School of Dance, or to sign up for their Summer Class please go to:

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