Sunday, May 26, 2024

DUI Demonstration


    On Friday-24-May, the Bogota High School in-cooperation with the Bogota Police Department, the Bogota Office of Emergency Management, and the Bogota Advisory Committee on Substance Abuse (BACSA)  held a demonstration at Feigel Field. It was to show Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors Students of Bogota High School what the outcome of an automobile accident due to driving under the influence of alcohol, or other type of controlled substances. The scene was that two cars of students, along with a passing bicyclist had gotten involved in a serious crash with many injuries and even one fatality. Bogota Police Lt. Geoffrey Cole described how Police and other Emergency Services would respond to such a situation. This demonstration also showed how Departments from other towns will help each other in the advent of an emergency. There were Bogota Rescue, Police and Fire Departments, along with personnel from Ridgefield Park, Teaneck, New Bridge Medical Center, Holy Name Hospital, and the Air Ambulance New Jersey State Police responding. The first on the scene were officers from the Bogota Police to determine the seriousness of the accident.
  The process started with the first Police officers at the scene checking on who is involved and what their condition is. The Police Officers also proceeded to question a driver of one of the vehicles involved. As the Driver was questioned by Officers, the Police would then arrest the driver on suspicion of driving under the influence. In continuing their investigation, the Police suspected the second driver could have possibly been distracted by using a cell phone while driving. As this was going on, the Rescues Squads arrive and worked on getting to the most accessible victims as soon as possible. If it was needed to make access easier, then a number of tools can be used to help free trapped victims. The best know is a hydraulic pry tool also called "the Jaws of Life" but simple wrecking bars and other prying tool will also be used. Once the victims were able to be reach they are fitted with neck and back support so that further injuries would not occur. Then the survivors are taken to the nearest local Hospital, while the Police stay to investigate the cause of the accident. In the case of the fatality the County Coroner is called in to remove the body to the County Morgue to determine the cause of death and alert the next of kin.
   The Students in attendance watched as the scene played out in front of them. Then after the demonstration was over  Detective James Paolozzi, from the Bergen County Prosecutors Office explain how they would continue to investigate the situation. If the driver of the car was found driving under the influence of alcohol, or other type controlled substances both legal and illegal, texting, talking on the phone, or even changing the radio station, they could be charged with vehicular manslaughter. If convicted a sentenced could be 10 years for each fatality. Lt. Cole's final message was that driving is a privilege and the Driver always takes on the responsibility of their action and how it will affect other people. 
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