Some events happening in and around Bogota and Ridgefield Park for the weekend starting on Thursday-20-April. Please contact the provider for changes and updates. More events will be added as information is confirmed.
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contributing at Donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
Students of Bogota Middle School will still be accepting donations for the Iron Giraffe Challenge. This started with their "Walk for Water" so that a well can be erected in a South Sudanese village in Bogota Middle School's name. To help donate to their goal please go to https://secure.waterforsouthsudan.org/Bogota Middle School
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
BogotaThe Bogota Public Library will have a Children Storytime at 10:30a in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: available forhttp://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. (it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
BogotaThe Bogota Public Library will have an Adventure Storytime at 3:30p in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 15 in-person seats available. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: available forhttp://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. (it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
BogotaThe Bogota Public Library will their Hybrid Yarn twisters at 6:45p in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 15 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: available forhttp://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. (it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Borough of Bogota Council meeting will hold its meeting starting at 7:00p. This will take place in the Council Chambers located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. This will be a "Regular Meeting" This will be the same as the previous format. Two Public Comment sessions. Voting on the Consent Agenda items, and reports from the Governing Body. Official action will be taken at Regular Meetings.
If any Hybrid meeting has technical issues with the Borough feed, the in-person meeting will be stopped until the broadcast is restored. If the meeting access cannot be restored in 15 minutes, then the entire meeting will be adjourned and will be continued at a later publicized date, which will also be open to the public.
Login information will be available when the next scheduled agenda is released. Please go to: https://www.bogotaonline.org/ for more information.
Login information will be available when the next scheduled agenda is released. Please go to: https://www.bogotaonline.org/ for more information.
Regular Meeting zoom access is at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88397477141
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park Board of Commissioners will hold their Caucus meeting starting at 7:00p. The meeting is open to the public. This will be held in the conference room at 234 Main St. Ridgefield Park.
For more information, please go to: https://www.ridgefieldpark.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor Karate Classes starting on Friday-3-March. This will be held in the Bogota Recreation Center starting at 4:00p. Classes for 10 sessions at priced at $100.00 for resident and $125.00 for non-residents. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor a Basketball Clinic starting on Friday-3-March the Clinic is open to all Students from Pre-Kindergarten to Second Grade. This will be run by Coach Leo and take place in the Moore gym at Steen School. Classes will run until Friday-9-June and is priced at $160.00 for resident and $200.00 for non-residents. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Teaneck, NJ
The Womens support group "Never Alone Again" and the Bergen County Food Security Task Force is offering hot meals to go curbside pick-up every Friday starting at 5:00p This will be
held at their resource center located at 668 American Legion Dr. Teaneck, NJ. For more information, please call 201-289-1718 or visit their website at www.neveraloneagain.org
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will Friends of the Library starting at 10:30a. It will be held in the second floor Seniors Centre. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Bogota Beautiful will hold a clean-up of the Bogota Community Garden. The event is co-sponsored by the Bogota Environmental Commission & Bogota Green Team. This will begin at 2:00p. It will take place at the Bogota Community Garden located at 246 River Rd. Bogota, NJ. This is open to the Public for people of all ages. Local artist will be beautifying the garden shed by painting the structure. Volunteers will work on garden by removing debris, dry leaves and weeds, turning over soil and planting a garden bed with seeds. It is recommended that everyone attending have their own gardening gloves and wear sturdy work clothes and shoes.
During this event they will be collecting clean plastic toys for Second Chance Toys, a charitable initiative to rescue and recycle gently loved plastic toys for children in need. Your efforts will make a difference and provide the much-needed tools for play and social development.
Music and refreshments will be available during the event.
Community service hours will be provided for high school students. Anyone interested in volunteering for this event, please register at:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bogota-community-garden-clean-up-tickets-577628621757 From more information, please contact: Isabel Bustamante at (917) 656-1259 or by email: at info@bogotabeautiful.com