(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Some events happening in and around Bogota and Ridgefield Park for the week starting on Sunday-2-April. Please contact the provider for changes and updates. More events will be added as information is confirmed.
(Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by
(Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by
contributing at Donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Elks lodge #1506 will host their pancake breakfast starting at 8:30a. There is a $12.00 donation fee per person. This located at the corner of Spruce & Cedar Sts. Ridgefield Park, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor Tennis Clinic starting on Monday-27-March. This will be held in the Bixby School starting at 6:00p. Classes for 10 sessions at priced at $180.00. Age groups from 5 years to 8 years and up. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park Planning Board will hold their meeting starting at 7:30p. The meeting is open to the public. This will be held in the Public Meeting Chambers. This is located at 234 Main St. Ridgefield Park.
For more information, please go to: https://www.ridgefieldpark.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

Bogota |
The Bogota Public Library will have their virtual Bilingual Storytime Tiempo de cuentos bilingüe virtual: Join us for an evening of interactive literacy including Spanish and English stories and songs on Zoom.
Ven a disfrutar con nosotros de una noche de cuentos y canciones en español e inglés en Zoom.
Starting at 3:30p. A partir de las 3:30p.
Se requiere registro Registration required
For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge # 1506 will host a Pot Roast Dinner with noodles, salad, vegetables and desert. This will take place in the Elks lodge is located at the Corner of Spruce & Cedar Sts. Ridgefield Park, NJ. The event will start at 6:00p a with a donation of $12.00 per person. Dinner will include salad and desert. For information or to reserve a ticket please contact Cathy Graef at 201-702-0147 or Maryann Applegate at 201-454-1905.
Pre-order deadline is Monday-April-3
The Bogota Public Library will have virtual "Tiny But Mighty" story time reading starting at 10:30a. This is for Children ages 3 three years and younger. This will include stories and songs. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Public Library their Video Hang-out Day starting at 3:30p. Registrations are required. It be held in Second Floor Seniors Centre. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor an In town basketball league. This will be held in the Steen School starting at 6:30p. This is open to all Students from Grades 3 to 8. Cost is $175.00. form residents and $200.00 for non- residents. Jerseys will be provided. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Grant School will hold their Spring musical "Jukebox Time Machine". This will take place on the Auditorium of the Ridgefield Park High School, located at 1 Ozzie Newson Pl Ridgefield Park, NJ. Curtain time is scheduled for 7:00p with the doors opening at 6:30p. Tickets
are $2.00 for all seating.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Ridgefield Park Board of Education will hold their meeting starting at 7:30p It will be held in-person and online for more information, please go to: https://www.rpps.net/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
BogotaThe Bogota Public Library will have a Children Storytime at 10:30a in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: available forhttp://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. (it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
BogotaThe Bogota Public Library will have an Adventure Storytime at 3:30p in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: available forhttp://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. (it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will host their Yarn Twisters starting at 6:45p. This will be held online. Registration is needed. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Bogota |
Borough of Bogota Council will hold their Work session meeting for the month. This is scheduled to be the first a Hybrid It will starting at 7:00p, and will also be held for in-person attendance in the Council Chambers at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. The Public is welcome to attend in-person.
If any Hybrid meeting has technical issues with the Borough feed, the in-person meeting will be stopped until the broadcast is restored. If the meeting access cannot be restored in 15 minutes, then the entire meeting will be adjourned and will be continued at a later publicized date, which will also be open to the public.
Login information will be available when the next scheduled agenda is released. Please go to: https://www.bogotaonline.org/ for more information.
If any Hybrid meeting has technical issues with the Borough feed, the in-person meeting will be stopped until the broadcast is restored. If the meeting access cannot be restored in 15 minutes, then the entire meeting will be adjourned and will be continued at a later publicized date, which will also be open to the public.
Login information will be available when the next scheduled agenda is released. Please go to: https://www.bogotaonline.org/ for more information.
Work Session zoom access is at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86048022858
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park Board of Commissioners Caucus meeting starting at 7:00p. The meeting is open to the public. This will be held in the. This is located in the Conference Room at 234 Main St. Ridgefield Park. This is open to the Public.

Closings for Good Friday
The Bogota Public library will be close. The library will reopen at its regular time on Saturday-8-April.
The Bogota Borough Hall will be close on Friday. Borough Hall will reopen at its regular time on Monday-10-April
The Bogota Department of Public Works will be closed. The Recycling Center will reopen at its regular time on Monday-10-April.
Friday-7-April to Monday-17-April.
Bogota Public Schools will have a half day and be closed for the Spring Recess. They will reopen on Monday-10-April with a full session.
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Closings for Good Friday
The Ridgefield Park Public library will be close. The library will reopen at its regular time on Saturday-8-April.
The Ridgefield Park Municipal Building will be close on Friday. It will reopen at its regular time on Monday-10-April
Friday-7-April to Monday-17-April.
Ridgefield Park Public Schools will have a half day and be closed for the Spring Recess. They will reopen on Monday-10-April with a full session.
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Ridgefield Park Volunteer Fire Dept's Hook & Ladder Co #1 will hold their 47th Fish & Chips dinner. This will be held at the H&L #1 Firehouse located at Euclid and Brewster Aves. A Donation of $16.00 per Person (by Cash or Venmo) This will start at 4:30p dine-in, pick-up, and local delivery are available. For reservation and to purchase tickets please go to rpfdtruck1@gmail.com.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge # 1506 will host a Fish Fry with Linguini, salad, and desert. This will take place in the Elks lodge is located at the Corner of Spruce & Cedar Sts. Ridgefield Park, NJ. The event will start at 6:00p a with a donation of $12.00 per person. Dinner will include salad and desert. For information or to reserve a ticket please contact Cathy Hamilton at 201-230-2475.
Pre-order deadline is Wednesdays April 5
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor Karate Classes starting on Friday-3-March. This will be held in the Bogota Recreation Center starting at 4:00p. Classes for 10 sessions at priced at $100.00 for resident and $125.00 for non-residents. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor a Basketball Clinic starting on Friday-3-March the Clinic is open to all Students from Pre-Kindergarten to Second Grade. This will be run by Coach Leo and take place in the Moore gym at Steen School. Classes will run until Friday-9-June and is priced at $160.00 for resident and $200.00 for non-residents. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Teaneck, NJ
The Womens support group "Never Alone Again" and the Bergen County Food Security Task Force is offering hot meals to go curbside pick-up every Friday starting at 5:00p This will be
held at their resource center located at 668 American Legion Dr. Teaneck, NJ. For more information, please call 201-289-1718 or visit their website at www.neveraloneagain.org
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor Baton Twirling and Pom Dance workshops from now until Saturday 2-May. These will take place in the Bogota High School Cafeteria starting at 9:15a for grade Kindergarten to Second. Other age groups will follow. Cost is $155.00 for residents, and $180.00 for non-resident. For more information, please contact Coach Lesie Baker at: buccanettes@gmail.com to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Ridgefield Park Elks lodge 1506 will hold their Installation of Officers Dinner starting at 6:00p. Dinner will follow. For reservation, contact Donna Kelly at 201-724-0412, or Jerry Dattolico at 551-482-8403
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(Help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of local stories and sports by
contributing at Donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
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