Some events happening in and around Bogota and Ridgefield Park for the weekend starting on Thursday-9-February. Please contact the provider for changes and updates. More events will be added as information is confirmed.
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The Bogota Public School District will have a presentation on the planned referendum to be vote on Tuesday-14-March. The next will be for the Bixby PTO on Wednesday-15-February, and the High School PTO on Thursday-2-March. Meetings are open to the public both in-person and online. For the Bixby meeting please log-in at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87385515333
Borough residents who are not registered to vote have until Feb. 21 to register to participate in this referendum. For more information, please visit their web-site at https://www.smore.com/p7kx6 and at: www.bogotaboe.com
The Bogota Public Library will have an Adventure Storytime at 3:30p in-person and online. Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats available for more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
The Bogota Public Library will host their Yarn Twisters starting at 6:45p. This will be held in person and online. Registration is needed for either session. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Public Library will host an Introduction to Tarot Cards. This will be presented by Ms. Gretchen and start at 7:00p. It will take place on the Second Floor Seniors Centre. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Board of Commissioners Caucus meeting starting at 7:00p. The meeting is open to the public. This will be held in the Public Meeting Chambers. This is located at 234 Main St. Ridgefield Park.
For more information, please go to: https://www.ridgefieldpark.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

The Bogota Recreation Department will sponsor Karate Classes starting on Friday 2 December. This will be held in the Bogota Recreation Center starting at 4:00p. Classes for 10 sessions at priced at $100.00 for resident and $125.00 for non-residents. For more information and to register please go to: http://register.capturepoint.com/boroughofbogota
A community pass account may be needed.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)