Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Public Notice



                                                                       BOROUGH OF BOGOTA

                                                                          FAIR AND OPEN

                                                    REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR YEAR 2023


I.  Notice of Request for Qualifications Statement

The Borough of Bogota (“Borough”) is soliciting qualification statements from interested persons and/or firms for awarding contracts, in year 2023, for the provision of the services listed below, by a Request for Qualification Process (“RFQ”).  Individual persons and/or firms interested in assisting the Borough with the provision of these services must prepare and submit a Qualification Statement in accordance with the procedure in the RFQs.  The Borough will review Qualification Statements only from those persons or firms that submit a Qualification Statement that includes substantially all the information required to be included as described, in the sole judgment of the Borough’s Mayor and Council.


The Borough intends to qualify person(s) and/or firm(s) that: (a) possess(es) the professional, financial, and administrative familiarity with the Borough, experience, training, and capabilities to provide the proposed services, and (b) agrees and meets the terms and conditions determined by the Borough that provides the greatest benefit to the taxpayers of Bogota.

The selection of qualified respondents is not subject to the public bidding or competitive contracting provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law, NJSA 40A:11-1 et seq.  The selection is, however, subject to the fair and open process authorized by the “New Jersey Local Unit Pay to Play” Law, NJSA 19:44A-20.4 et seq.  The Borough has structured a procurement process that seeks to obtain the desired results, while establishing a competitive process to assure that each person and/or firm is provided an equal opportunity to submit a Qualification Statement in response to RFQ.

 Qualification Statements must be submitted to and be received by Yenlys F. Bolivard, Acting Clerk, at the Office of the Clerk, 375 Larch Avenue, Bogota, N.J. 07603, on or before 12:30 PM on Friday, December 16, 2022, Qualification Statements will not be accepted by facsimile transmission or e-mail.  The responses will be opened at 9:00 AM, Tuesday, December 20, 2022, in the Clerk’s office, for review by the Mayor and Council.



Alternate Prosecutor                         Financial Advisor

Bond Counsel                                      Planning/Zoning Board Attorney

Borough Architect                               Planning /Zoning Board Engineer                      

Borough Attorney                                Public Defender

Borough Auditor                                  Risk Management Consultant                                

Borough Engineer                                Software & Hardware Computer Support Svcs.

Borough Labor Attorney                     Tax Appeal Appraiser

Borough Planner                                  Webmaster

Borough Prosecutor


II. Instructions for Qualifications Statement and Criteria


Two copies of the qualification statement must be submitted in the manner designated in the instructions, and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing name and address of the person and or firm submitting the statement bidder and the name of the work on the outside, addressed to the Borough of Bogota.


Qualification statements shall demonstrate the following:


A.          Experience and reputation of the person/firm in the field;

B.          Training and licensing of the person/firm;

C.          Availability to accommodate the needs of the Borough’s meeting schedule;           

D.          Knowledge of the Borough’s needs and history and the subject matter to be

          addressed under the contract.


E.       Annual fee or hourly rate for principal and associate employees. And include reduced rate for OPRA request.


The Borough’s Mayor and Council reserve the right to select qualified contractors in their sole discretion, which shall be exercised in accordance with their sole judgment as to the public interest.  Those responding to the RFQ are required to comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq., if applicable.

                                               (To help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sport
                                                              please contribute at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ) 

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