5 May-2022
Some events happening in and around Bogota and Ridgefield Park for the week starting on Monday-2-May. Please contact the provider for changes and updates. More events will be added as information is confirmed.
(To help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
please contribute at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
Parents of the Bogota High School Class of 2022 have set-up a Go Fund Me page to help offset the cost the Project Graduation trip for the Graduation Seniors of this years Class. This is to provide the Senior Students one last Class event after the Graduation Ceremony. This take place at a surprised at a nearby venue. The new Alumni be professional driven from Bogota High School to the event and back providing them with safe transportation.
To contribute please go to their Go Fund Me page at: https://www.gofundme.com BHS Class of 2022/f/project-graduation-22?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=customer
Teaneck, NJ
The organization Never Alone Again Domestic Violence Organization & Resource Center (NAAG) will host a covid -19 testing site. This will run every Saturday from 10:30 a to 1:00p. Please Provide ID & Medical Insurance. If you don’t have medical insurance, please provide ID.
Their resource centre located at 668 American Legion Dr. Teaneck, NJ.
For more information on this and other services they provide. And to volunteer or donate please go to: https://www.neveraloneagain.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have an in-person reading one starting at 10:30a And a afternoon session both an in-person and virtual story time starting at 3:30p. Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 10 online seats available For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Public Library will have their Kids Craft Kits available starting at 6:00p. Limit is one per Student.For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Public Library will host their Yarn Twisters starting at 6:45p. This will be held in person and online. Registration is needed for either session. For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
The Bogota Borough Council will hold its meeting starting at 7:30p. It will be held in person
only in the Council Chambers located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. This is open to the Public. This will be an in-person meeting only with no live streaming available. For more information
or to view the agenda , please go to: https://www.bogotaonline.org/councilagendas or at www.bogotaonline.com
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park Board of Commissioners Caucus meeting. The meeting is open
to the public and will start at 7:00p. This will be held at the Municipal Building in the Meeting room. This is located at 234 Main St. Ridgefield Park.
For more information please go to: https://www.ridgefieldpark.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Co-Op Nursery will be holding a Mother's Day Paint Night, starting at 7:00p. Tickets are priced at $40.00 per person, or two tickets for $70.00. This will take place at the Co-Op Nursery located at 227 Euclid Ave. Ridgefield Park, NJ. Price includes all painting supplies that may be needed along with small appetizers. Adult beverages are allowed to be brought in by the participants. Reservations are needed and must be placed by Monday May 2. To reserve a chair please go to: https://www.rpcoopnursery.org/get-involved or call Angie at 201-993-5543. Process will go to the Ridgefield Park Co-Op Nursery.
Teaneck, NJ
The Womens support group "Never Alone Again" and the Bergen County Food Security Task Force is offering hot meals to go curbside pick-up every Friday starting at 5:00p This will be
held at their resource center located at 668 American Legion Dr. Teaneck, NJ. For more information, please call 201-289-1718 or visit their website at www.neveraloneagain.org
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public Library will have a Family Story time starting at 10:30a Registration is required. There are 8 in-person seats available. There are 18 online seats available For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at : http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ) |
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The first performance of the 2022 Ridgefield Park Busking series will take place. This will feature Mr. Robert Bannon and held at the Grove St. seating area. The concert is scheduled to start at 6:00p weather permitting.
Performances are free of charge, and tipping is permitted.
The Busking Series is open to any performing artist wishing to apply and submit an audition piece. Performances will be held on various dates and locations in Ridgefield Park. For more information, or to apply please go to concertartsculture@ridgefieldpark.org
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Ridgefield Park Elks lodge #1506 will host a Mothers Day breakfast. it will include Omelet Station, Pancakes, Scramble Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Potatoes, along with Coffee and Juices. it will start at 8:30a. There is a $12.00 donation fee per person. Non-perishable food donations are welcome.
The Elk's lodge is located at Spruce and Cedar Sts Ridgefield Park, NJ
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The library will be closed from 12 to 8pm on Monday for staff training
Bogota, NJ
The Bogota Public Library will have monthly Board of Trustees meeting. This will start at 7:00p and be held in the second floor Senior Centre.
For more information please about this and other Library events visit their website at: http://www.bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library is located at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
(To help support Bogota Blog NJ with its coverage of Local stories & sports
please contribute at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ)
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