Some events happening in and around Bogota for the week starting on Sunday-22-November. Please contact the provider for changes and updates.
( To help support Bogota Blog NJ with it's coverage of Local stories & sports
please contribute at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )
The listing of of Restaurants and Grocery stores that are open for either Deliver , Take-out and limited indoor seating.
For Bogota it can be accessed at:
For Ridgefield Park it can be accessed at:
Please contact the establishment at at the phone number provided. This is one way to support Bogota business.
It is ask that, when ordering from any of these restaurants, please let them know you saw this on Bogota Blog NJ
October to December
Monday-5- October will be the start of Leaf Season. Home Owners are allowed to place raked, leaves and grass cutting in the street , along the curb, in front of their residents. It is ask that the piles be placed in such a way as not to interfere with traffic, and away from storm sewers and drain to prevent flooding , or other water build-up. Leaf Season is schedule to end on Monday -14- December after that date all yard waste must be placed in brown leaf bags for pick-up.
Bogota Friends and Families have started a Toy Drive with You Give Goods. They will be working with the Bogota Police Department to supply them for their annual Holiday Toy Drive. All gifts will be shipped directly to the Bogota Police Department so they can help Santa deliver them. Donors will be emailed a tax receipt at the time of purchase. This will run until Wednesday-9-December. Items can purchased on the You Give Goods website at: https://yougivegoods.com/drive-14407. They are hoping to reach at least 500 items to be donated this Holiday Season.
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)Bogota Friends and Families have started a Toy Drive with You Give Goods. They will be working with the Bogota Police Department to supply them for their annual Holiday Toy Drive. All gifts will be shipped directly to the Bogota Police Department so they can help Santa deliver them. Donors will be emailed a tax receipt at the time of purchase. This will run until Wednesday-9-December. Items can purchased on the You Give Goods website at: https://yougivegoods.com/drive-14407. They are hoping to reach at least 500 items to be donated this Holiday Season.
The Bergen County Chanukah Toy Drive is now collecting items for this Holiday Season. They are accepting new and unwrapped items to be distributed by a number of local charities. Donation Boxes are set-up at their offices located at 95 Norfolk St, Bergenfield, NJ or at the Yeshivat Noam School located at 70 W. Century Road, Paramus, NJ. This drive will continue until Monday-30-November. For more information please visit their website at: https://www.bctoydrive.com/
The Bogart Memorial Church will again offer in-person services. They will have both Spanish and English services scheduled to start at 10:10a. Masks and safe distances are required.Bogart Memorial Church is located at 263 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ
Trinity Lutheran Church in Bogota has started to offer their Sunday services again. Sunday service will start at 9:30a. The Sunday School will begin at 10:30a. There will be Wednesday Bible Studies at 7:00p. Masks and safe distances are required. Trinity Lutheran Church is now handicapped acceptable with a new lift system.
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 167 Palisade Ave Bogota, NJ
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 167 Palisade Ave Bogota, NJ
For more information please visit their website at: https://tlcbogotanj.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
St. Joseph Church in Bogota again will offer their Sunday Service in person. The number of participant will be limited. The Church will have a registration system allowing individuals to sign up and attend Mass. For more information please visit their website at: http://www.baqgo.com/sjc/register-for-sunday-mass/ This may require some persons to attend a second choice. They will continue their services on a live stream. The English language service is scheduled to start at 10:00a. Está previsto que el servicio de español comience a la 1:30p. For more information please visit their website at: http://www.baqgo.com/sjc/
St. Joseph Church is located at 115 Ft.Lee Rd Bogota, NJ
St. Joseph Church is located at 115 Ft.Lee Rd Bogota, NJ
The Bogota Library will host Tech Mondays Each week you can test out your technology skills in a a fun and interactive way please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj each week to find the project. Just click on the link and have fun. This is for Students ages 7 to 12 years old.
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Library will host a virtual Makers Lab scheduled to start at 4:00p
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Ridgefield Park, NJ
The Village of Ridgefield Park Board of Commissioners regular meeting. This will be a held in the Municipal Building, located at 234 Main St Ridgefield Park, NJ. The start time is scheduled for 7:30p. The meeting is open to the public. For more information please go to: https://www.ridgefieldpark.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

The Bogota Public library will host the next virtual Sing-Along. Please go the Library's This program will be held virtually on Zoom. Register at :https://bccls.libcal.com/event/7198350 to receive a link to participate. At registration please check the box by Bogota Blog to signified you learned about this event on Bogota Blog NJ.
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
Or visit their website at: https://bogotapubliclibrary.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Bogota Public library will host the next virtual Lego Challenge . Please go the Library's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj/ for weekly Lego challenges. To sign-up please go to: https://bccls.libcal.com/event/7021937 At registration please check the box by Bogota Blog to signified you learned about this event on Bogota Blog NJ.
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
Or visit their website at: https://bogotapubliclibrary.org/
The Bogota Public library will close at 2:00p for the start of the Thanksgiving Holiday. The library will reopen at its regular time on Saturday-28-November
For more information on Library program's continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
Or visit their website at: https://bogotapubliclibrary.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
The Following will be closed for Thanksgiving
The Bogota Public library will be close on Thursday and Friday. The library will reopen at its regular time on Saturday-28-November.
The Bogota Borough Hall will be close on Thursday and Friday. Borough Hall will reopen at its regular time on Monday-30-November
The Bogota Department of Public Works will be close on Thursday and Friday. The Recycling Center will reopen at its regular time on Monday-30-November. The regular Friday trash pick-up will take place.
Bogota Public Schools will only have morning classes on Wednesday-25-November. They will resume with their virtual scheduled on Monday-30-November.
Ridgefield Park
The Ridgefield Park Public Library will be close on Thursday. The library will reopen at its regular time on Friday-27-November.
The Ridgefield Park Municipal Building will be close on Thursday.
The Ridgefield Park Public Schools will only have morning classes on Wednesday-25-November. They will resume with their virtual scheduled on Monday-30-November.
The Teaneck Public library will be close at 5:00p on Wednesday-25-November. It will be closed all day Thursday. On Friday-27-November the library will be open from 9:00a to 5:00p
The Teaneck Municipal Building will be close on Thursday. It will open , by appointment only afterwords.
Teaneck Public Schools will only have morning classes on Wednesday-25-November. They will resume with a modified scheduled on Monday-30-November.
-Virtual Bilingual Storytime/Cuentos Bilingües on Saturdays at 10:30a / Sabados a las 10:30a
-Virtual Bilingual Storytime/Cuentos Bilingües on Saturdays at 10:30a / Sabados a las 10:30a
To register for this event visit:
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
Or visit their website at: https://bogotapubliclibrary.org/
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
Englewood, NJ
Black Box Performing Arts Center will be hosting a virtual open mic by Skeeball Jerry.
He will be available to answer all of your burning questions. From survival tips, to dating advice, to fun facts about the Skeeball Master himself - Jerry's got the answers!
(Not recommended for young audiences)
Join Zoom Meeting: Click HERE
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)
( To help support Bogota Blog NJ with it's coverage of Local stories & sports
please contribute at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )
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