On Wednesday 16-September the Bogota Public Library recognized one pre-school Student for reading 1,000 books before entering Kindergarten. Miss Avalyn Mandetta completed this task the day before she entered the Steen School Kindergarten Class of 2020. Miss Mandetta was presented with a Certificate of Congratulation by The Library’s Director of Youth Services Mr. Tom Skrnich. This is part of a Nation wide program that is use to promote reading in Children from newborns, infants, and toddlers. This program also gives Parents and Children the opportunity to form closer bonding through reading.
The Mandetta family started on February -2019 with “ The Littlest Bunny” Both Avalyn’s Parents Julie and Mark Mandetta work with Daughter through last year and the problems of needing to continue during the current health situation. While Avalyn was working on her list, her younger Sister Hallie has also started on her own list. As the days moved closer to the opening of the new school year Avalyn finished “ Can A Cat Do That” to reach her goal. Her favorite book, of all the ones that she had read, was called “ Even Fairies Fart”. To honour Avalyn achievement a bookplate has been added to the front cover of this book, so other readers will be able to learn of her accomplishment.
During the Ceremony Avalyn received a number of other awards. These included being given a $10.00 bill which represented one penny for each book she read. Other gifts were a doodle book to take home, but most important a pet gold fish, which she immediately named “Rosie”. Finally Avalyn was present with her own Library Card so she can borrow Library books on her own. This has also set a new goal for her when she said she now wants to read every book in the Library.
For more information on these and other program continuing at the Bogota Public Library please go to: https://www.facebook.com/bogotalibrarynj
Or visit their website at: https://bogotapubliclibrary.org/
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