Monday, July 2, 2018

Shred Day


   On Saturday-30-June the Borough of Bogota  in cooperation with the Bergen County Utilities  Authority  hosted a paper shredding event. This took place in the parking lot of the Bogota Recreation Center.  A steady stream of resident morning came to dropped off unneeded papers to be disposed of. Members of  Bogota Dept. of Public Works, assisted residents with their excess paper products. Items such as sensitive & business documents were taken were taken away to be disposed of  securely. The unneeded documents were placed in a bin, then lifted into the shredding truck parked there.  The contents were then placed into the shredding machine to be cut into small strips.  The strips are then formed into bales in the back of the truck. The truck itself is locked and secured until it returns to the recycling plant. After the truck is unloaded the bales are then processed into paper slurry which is then sold to paper mills which then can be turn into bath & facial tissues. Many companies are now producing tissues products that are comprised of 100% recycled material.  The advantage of this is less solid waste needed to go into landfills and more trees allowed to remain growing. Later in the morning Councilwoman Daniele Fede  was on hand to collect plastic bag that will no longer be accepted by the Bogota DPW on collection day. 
   Starting on Sunday - 1-July -2018 the Borough of Bogota will change the ordnance in what can be recycled. Bottle & cans recycling pick-up the Borough of Bogota will now be limited to: Aluminium, Glass, Bi-metal/Tin cans. Aluminium foils and pie plates will be accepted but must be clean. Plastic Containers with the symbol  1, 2, or 5  only  will also be accepted.   All recyclable material must be placed in  reusable trash receptacles.  Items places in plastic bag will not be collected. At the request the company the Borough works with, the following products will no longer be accepted for recycling. They are the plastic bags from grocery stores, and the bags that newspapers are delivered in. Along with similar product using lightweight plastic film. Paper and cardboard recycling remains unchanged.

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   ( To help  support Bogota Blog NJ with it's coverage of Local stories & sports
 please contribute  at: donate to Bogota Blog NJ )

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