An updated flyer has been issued in order to help find a lost dog from a Family Orchard Terrace. This family is serving as a Foster Home for this Dog who will answer to the name Cleo or Celine. She is a 2 year Shepard mix Brown and Black in colour. The foster family reported Cleo missing on Wednesday 16-Dec after arriving home from work finding a window broken and Cleo missing. Cleo was last seen wearing a red collar decorated with images of bones on it. Cleo may be familiar with the area along River Rd. She is described as "fearful" and may ran from strangers. Cleo has been with her Foster Family for only a few weeks so she may be looking for an older home, or more familiar surroundings.
The new phone number is: 201-450-5992 this is in cooperation with the group Buddha Dog Rescue and Recovery. For more information please visit their website at:
http://www.buddhadogrescueandrecovery.com/ If anyone has any information about a dog matching this description they are asked to contact the Bogota Police Dept at 201- 487-2400. Or Cleo's Foster Family at 617-901-0965 ask for Amy
Bogota Sports
The Bogota Lady Bucs lost their opening round game of the Mt. Olive Tournament to Mt. Olive 11-58
Their next League game will be on Saturday 2- January-2016 at Secaucus with a tip-off Schedule at 11:00a
The Men's Basketball team lost to Dwight Englewood 63-74 at the Bergen Holiday Festival.
Andrew Riad lead the Bucs in scoring with 16-Points and 3 Three point baskets. Tim Uzor had a team high 9 Rebounds.
Their next League game will be on Saturday 2- January-2016 at Secaucus with a tip-off Schedule at 1:00p
#3 Andrew Riad ( file photo) |
#5 Tim Uzor ( file photo) |
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