On Wednesday 9- Sept. the Bogota VFW Post 5561 hosted a events for Women's Veterans from the US Armed Services. This program " Vets Chat & Chew" is a chance for these Veterans to have an evening together to support each other, and learn about healthier dining and nutritional information. Present by Anne Burns, whose idea to give these Veterans a forum to talk about their experiences and learn to use this information to help themselves. Ms. Burns goal is to help any of the Female Veterans who may need some assistance with any physical, or emotional stress they may be experiencing. The idea is that showing these Veterans how a simple, but enjoyable meal they can prepare themselves, that can help them feel better. Twelve Veterans meet with Chef Kate Keating in the VFW Post kitchen to learn a recipe to make an Asparagus Frittata. Chef Keating show basic kitchen techniques like how to dice an onion quickly , or to peel a clove of garlic. After a demonstration the veterans then took turns in different steps to making the meal. Chef Keating then explained how they can prepare this recipe in different ways to make their own. As the Frittata was in the oven Ms. Burns took that moment to explain how different ingredients can effect a persons well-being. She talked about how, when possible, the fresher the food you eats the better it can help with overall wellness.
The Veterans who attended came from all branches of the Armed service, and ranged in age, and years of service. Some have known each other for awhile, and others are meeting for the first time. But the common thread of being female Veterans allowed them to be relax, and work together as a unit with ease. When the meal was ready to be served the Women gather around the communion table to enjoy their meal, and to talk between themselves as Veterans, and as Women.
This was the first of six program for this session, which will continue once a week. In the upcoming weeks the Veterans will be learning more recipes along with information about nutrition, and tips on how to help themselves relax ,and handle stress in a healthful way.
This is one of the programs the Bogota VFW post 5561 reaches out to assist any Veteran, of any era. For more information on how to join, or get assistance from the Bogota VFW please see their facebook page at:
For for information about Vets Chat and Chew please visit their website at:
Chef Kate Keating (R) explaining about the meal they will be cooking. |
Debra (L) pealing a clove of garlic |
Zenovia dicing an onion |
Penny whipping eggs |
Maritza with Chef Keating |
Maritza (L) & Lesly sauteing onions |
Gisselote taking her turn mixing |
Chef Keating demonstrating how to even the egg mixture. |
Gisselote serving the Frittata |
Lorna (L) & Tamara chatting |
Anne Burns explaining how improving their diet can
help improve their health. |
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