On Wednesday 1- April Steen School had its annual Science Night. This is different than a Science Fair where Students display their project, but a multi station event were Student had a chance to learn and try various scientific principles. Experiments taught subject form Surface Tension of liquids and Centrifugal Force to Architecture with marshmallow & pasta, how to make playdoh float, and how much electricity is in a Lemon.
( Photos courtesy of Bryce Conway)
Bogota Beautiful has an update on the Earth Day Clean up of Olsen Park & W. Main St. which will take place on Saturday 25- April from 10:00a to 2:00p As of 2- April they have received a commitment from the Bogota Dept. of Public Works to have a schedule pick-up of the trash and other refuse the Volunteer gather during the clean-up. The Company Reuseit has donated 50 sustainable, re-useable Lunch bags. Park Rangers form New York City has signed on to join the clean-up and will help organize the various project that day. Home Depot will donate up to $200 worth of equipment. Some of the items will be Safty vest for Volunteers who clean-up near the Streets, Work Gloves, and soil were needed.
There has also been a commitment from 19 individuals to Volunteer to clean up Bogota. Anyone also looking to Volunteer can register at: Bogota Beautiful Earth Day 2015 There is also a need for some other equipment such as Rakes, Street Brooms, Leaf and trash Grabbers, Cordless leaf blowers, ands a pair of Power Washers.
- This will be the First Annual Community Clean-up on Saturday -25- April It will be a celebration of Earth-Day 2015. Volunteers will be helping to Clean Olsen Park starting at 10:00a to 2:00p. This is being sponsored by local groups include Bogota Beautiful, the Bogota Environmental Commission, Bogota Green Team, Bogota DPW, Steen Elementary School PTO, Bogota Girl Scouts, Bogota Rescue Squad and the Bogota Public Library to help maintain Olsen Park. Volunteers will receive refreshments and a Lunch will also be provided. To register to volunteer to help cleanup please go to: Bogota Beautiful Earth Day 2015
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

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