On Wednesday-18- March Bogota Beautiful held their Monthly Board meeting. The Main topic was was the upcoming Pancake Breakfast at the Bogota VFW post #5561 Hall on Sunday 22- March. It was announced that in lieu of the VFW fee for use of the hall The VFW will donated their portion of the admission back to Bogota Beautiful to go to the Spring planting fund. Bogota Beautiful will inturn will start to help beautify the entrance of the the Posts entrances. It was also mention that they are still looking to sign up anyone who wants to help volunteer to with the breakfast. They are looking for help with setting up, serving, and cleaning up after the event. Anyone wishing to help will have breakfast included. Any High School Student who volunteer will receive Community Serves credit for their time. It is asked that volunteers arrive by 7:30a and stay for the clean-up.
The Breakfast itself will run from from 8:30a to 11:30a Tickets are $10 for Adults. $5 for Seniors, Veterans, and Students under 10 years of age. There will also be a special Family deal for $25. This will be held at the post lower hall with the entrance at 241 West Shore Ave Bogota,NJ. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help finance Bogota Beautiful's Spring Planting for 2015 . Tickets may be purchased at the door. Tickets will also be available at the Ralph Hall Post from 4:00p to 10:00p seven days a week. Tickets can also be order online through the constant contact site at: http://conta.cc/1M1P1uZ > . Admission will include Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs , and Potatoes. Juice, Coffee, Tea, & Milk will be served.
The date of the Spring Planting will be on Saturday 2- May from 10:00 to noon. They want to replace the winter lighting with new Dwarf Pines that will serve as the new centerpiece of the planters. Fresh soil would be added to the planters along with new flowers. The Dwarf Pines would stay in the planters with the flowers changing seasonally, the pines would also be able to be decorated for the Holiday Seasons. Bogota Beautiful is looking for volunteer to help with the planter clean-up any a donation of needed supplies for the planter would be accepted.
The next item was the announcement of Bogota Beautiful helping to coordinate an Earth Day clean-up of Olsen Park and the West main St. Business district.Bogota Beautiful is working with the Bogota Environmental Commission, Bogota Green Team, Bogota DPW, Steen Elementary School PTO, Bogota Girl Scouts, Bogota Rescue Squad and the Bogota Public Library to help maintain Olsen Park. This will be scheduled for Saturday 25-April from 10:00a to 2:00p. The meeting place would be in Olsen Park, with crews then being assigned an area to work on This is one of the main goals of Bogota Beautiful, not just to do projects own their own but to be a part of the Community as a whole to create awareness what the Borough of Bogota has to offer, and to help residents to be active in the maintenance of the town they live it. At this meeting Wayne Sorge of the Bogota Rescue Squad offered to help supply some items that could be used to help with the Earth day cleaning. The goal of the Earth Day cleaning is to have the local sponsors share in providing workers, and the various items needed to do an efficient job in cleaning. Thing that are needed are work gloves, yard tools, safety vest along with any other item that would be used to clean an outdoor space. The organization "Reuse It" will donate lunches to those who Volunteer. This would also go to the Community Service Credit for the Student from Bogota High School who volunteer.To register to volunteer to help cleanup please go to: Bogota Beautiful Earth Day 2015
(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ)

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