On Thursday 2- April the Bogota Public Schools will highlight Autism Awareness with a " Light it up Blue" day. Students, Faculty and Staff are encouraged to blue coloured clothing that day. In the evening household are also asked to turn any blue lights on that can be seen from the street. This is part of World Autism Day. For more information please visit: www.lightitupblue.org
On Thursday -9- April Bergen County Juvenile Fire Prevention will be host a program to teach young student basic knowledge of fire safety. This will be held at the Bogota Recreation Center starting at 9:30a to 12:00 noon. This is for Students age 5 years and older, along with their Parents. This will happen on the week schools are closed for Easter Break to allow this to being during daylight hours. Admission is free , but reservations are required due to space. A breakfast will be provided. For more information , and to make a reservation please call 201-587-5054 or email at: info@ksapteam.org . The Bogota Recreation center is located at 162 W. Main St. Bogota, NJ.

(it is asked that while attending this event you inform them that you saw it on Bogota Blog NJ
Selected photos from the Bogota High School Production of Shrek are now available for purchase at the Bogota Blog NJ Zenfolio store. Prints of various sizes from wallets to 20"x24" prints. Other items that are available are Collectables, Photos books, Clothing and Coffee & Travel Mugs More photos will be added during the week. To purchase these photos please go to: http://bogotablognj.zenfolio.com/p583143053. To view and purchase other photos form the Bogota Blog NJ collection please go to http://bogotablognj.zenfolio.com/
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