15-Nov. 2012
On Monday 12- Nov. the Ralph Hall Post of the VFW in Bogota held it's Veteran's Day Observances. It was attended by a disappointingly small number of people, but as some of the speakers mentions a part of having freedoms is the right not to do something as well. Those who did attend were thanked for finding the time in a hectic several weeks for the area, and the hope that next year will allow the chance for more people to attend.
More than on speaker took the time to acknowledge Councilman Tito Jackson on the work all of the Bogota Emergency Service worker have done in the last few weeks in helping the Borough recover from the affects of Hurricane Sandy.
When Mayor Pat McHale spoke he in turned thanked the Women & Men of the VFW for opening their hall to serve as a shelter for those who needed a safe place to stay for a few days.
Then it was time to award the Bogota Citizen of the year. Earl Coppock talk about this year winner for all the work he has done with helping out local groups in need of supplies for their food banks. How he has been able to go to some local restaurants and have then donate food that would have just been thrown away , but still in usable condition, and take them to community food banks to help those in need. Even, just recently, after a stay in hospital he was able to to pick-up some supplies and drop them off to St.Joseph's Church for their relief program. The Mr. Coppock was honoured to announce that Joseph Carnebale was the 2012 Bogota Citizen of the Year. Mr. Carnebale has had to return to the hospital and the award was accepted by his Daughter Dana Carnebale.
Mary Wagner then spoke of the Young Volunteer winner, she wanted to wait until the end to announce the winners name , but "..her name is mention too many times in the recommendation letter." So this year winner was able to stand next to Ms. Wagner as her accomplishment were read. A, soon to be, 12 time varsity letter winner for Bogota High School sports. Co- Caption of the Girls Cross County team ( winners of two Bergen County Championships this year) . She is also on the Basketball, and Softball team, as well as a member of student Government. This year winner Casey Murphy then accepted the award from Ms. Wagner.
Post Commander Alex Hernandez talking about what it means to be a Veteran. |
Mayor Pat McHale thanking the VFW for the use of their hall as a shelter after Hurricane Sandy |
Earl Coppock announcing that Joseph Carnebale is the 2012 Bogota Citizen of the year. |
Mr. Carnbale daughter Dana accepting the award on his behalf. |
Mary Wagner (L) reading the recommendation letter of Casey Murphy ( R) as the 2012 Young Volunteer. |
Mary Wagner (L) Casey Murphy( C) and Cornelia Geraghty (R) presenting Ms. Murphy with her award. |
Ms. Murphy with her Parents Mary-Ellen and Pat Murphy. |
Some of the veterans who attended. |
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