On Wed. 18-July the Bogota Youth Academy held a water rescue training course. This is a new training exercise the Academy has added this year, to give the cadet a basic idea of what skills would be needed to perform a water rescue. As with most of the programs of the Academy this exercise will help the cadet work as part of a team, learning new skills, and show the cadet how they can reach beyond themselves. There were four stations set-up around the pool of the Bogota Swim Club. Members of Rescue Squad 46, and senior Lifeguard from the swim club showed the cadet what the equipment was for and how it should be used to help save the life of a person in a emergency situation that is in or near the water.
One station was a cold water rescue, where the cadets had to put on a " cold water' emersion suit, and wade into the pool to rescue a person. Putting the suit on alone was part of the challenge, this had to be done with the help of fellow cadets, this showed how even a simple task of getting prepared may need the help of teammates. As one cadet went into the water, a partner was needed to hold a line attached to the suit. The line was to keep in contact with the rescuer, so the the victim was ready to be recovered the two rescuers would work together to bring every safe to dry land. The next station was learning to a life line , or life ring, to a victim in the water. This was a demonstration of how a rescue can be performed from dry land with a victim in the water. A throw bag with a line attached was throw to the victim in the water, with the rescue then pulling the victim closer to land in order to assist them.
The third station was how to stabilized a victim in the water with the use of a backboard, while still in the water. The cadet had to submerge the backboard under the victim and secure them while still in the water. They also had to safely remove the victim from the pool while still on the backboard in order to be placed on a stretcher. The final station was to perform a rescue from a non-motorized boat, in this case an inflatable rescue boat. A team of four cadet were to paddle to the victim, place them into the boat, secure them to a backboard, paddle back to dry land, and with the help of a second team of cadet remove the victim to a stretcher.
Except for the in-water backboard demonstration all the victims were also played by cadets. All cadets had a chance to be the victim, and all had a chance to be the rescuer, to fully understand what is involved with a water rescue. For some cadet the role of the victim might have been the tougher challenge. At the second, & fourth stations the cadet had to put on life vest, and rescue helmets and walk off the high diving board. Not all cadets were willing to do this, but with help from the pool, and rescue personal, along with the encouragement from fellow cadets all cadets had a chance to be rescued from the water.
After all stations were completed , by all the cadets, an in Academy relay game using the life lines ended their time in the pool. There was however, one more demonstration to be involved. The new Medivac Helicopter from H.U.M.C landed in the open field in Olsen Park. The cadet had a chance to meet the Nurses, and Pilot who fly to rescues when needed. They also had a chance to go into the helicopter to look around. After a Academy photo in front of the helicopter the cadets then went back to the High School for lunch , and more class work.
The Cadets march into the pool area. |
Helping put on an Immersion suit |
Cadets performing a cold water rescue |
Using a life line, or ring, to perform a from shore rescue. |
An in-pool rescue. |
Cadets taking a break on a hot day. |
Cadets offering encouragement to fellow cadets. |
Ms. Anna jumping in to be a "victim" |
A rescue from a boat. |
Life line relay race. |
Wet cadets thanking the Pool staff and members of Rescue Squad 46 for the demonstration. |
Watching the helicopter land. |
The Bogota Youth Academy with the HUMC helicopter & flight crew. |
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