Upcoming events this weekend 30- Sept. to 3-Oct.
- Friday 30- Sept.; Girls Volleyball at Leonia H.S. starting at 4:00p
- Saturday 1-Oct ; - Boys Football vs Queen of Peace at Fiegel Field starting at 2:30p
-Rec Football at Montvale starting at 5:00p
- Sunday 2- Oct. ; -Hose Co. #2 Pancake Breakfast from 8:00a-1:00p
at the Firehouse on Central Ave Bogota
Adults $8.00 Children & Seniors $5.00
- Blessing of the Animals at Trinity Church 11:00a
167 Palisade Ave Bogota
Followed by an Animal show by NJ Batman Joe D"Angeli
- Monday 3-Oct. : Anti-Bulling Presentation at Bogota H.S Auditorium starting at 7:00p
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Anti-Bullying Event
There will be an " Anti-Bullying" presentation on Mon. 3-Oct at Bogota High School Auditorium. It will start at 7:00p and will have Drew Losak from the Bergen Regional Medical Center as the guest speaker. It is asked that only Parents & Adults attend.
There will be an " Anti-Bullying" presentation on Mon. 3-Oct at Bogota High School Auditorium. It will start at 7:00p and will have Drew Losak from the Bergen Regional Medical Center as the guest speaker. It is asked that only Parents & Adults attend.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mum Sale
Over the weekend Hose Co.#1 and Hook & Ladder Co. #1 of the Bogota Fire Dept. held their annual fund- raising Mum sale. This year the sale was expanded to include the parking lot at Boxcar Bagels on River Rd.
Over the weekend Hose Co.#1 and Hook & Ladder Co. #1 of the Bogota Fire Dept. held their annual fund- raising Mum sale. This year the sale was expanded to include the parking lot at Boxcar Bagels on River Rd.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Garage Sale.
The Bogota High School Band parents held their 'Town-Wide' Garage sale yesterday. With over 40 listed sellers participating, it was one of the larger sales the Band Parents have sponsored. All types of items where available from Children & Adult clothing to books,and furniture. Some use the opportunity to help others like the Geraghty's using the processed to go to a Somali relief fund. Also Trinity Church selling food & drinks to benefit their youth services fund.
The Bogota High School Band parents held their 'Town-Wide' Garage sale yesterday. With over 40 listed sellers participating, it was one of the larger sales the Band Parents have sponsored. All types of items where available from Children & Adult clothing to books,and furniture. Some use the opportunity to help others like the Geraghty's using the processed to go to a Somali relief fund. Also Trinity Church selling food & drinks to benefit their youth services fund.
Gerda Matkovich and Daniele Fede talking over some items. |
Lewis Marks & Linda Lib having some fun while waiting to sell. |
Cornelia Geraghty showing some clothes to Ramona. To help Somalia Famine victims. |
Rachel Pulido looking at the items at Trinity Church. |
Goods available on Beechwood Ave. |
Jamilia Aziz setting out some shoes to be purchased. |
Toys& Clothes available on Maplewood Ave. |
Saturday, September 24, 2011
St.Joseph's Carnival
After a few days of rain ,that had to force the closing down of the rides, The 5th St.Joseph's carnival ended Saturday night with a clear sky. Families took full advantage of the break in the weather to come out and enjoy all the carnival had to offer. Games & rides for all ages were available, and a variety of flavors of food were there to be eaten
After a few days of rain ,that had to force the closing down of the rides, The 5th St.Joseph's carnival ended Saturday night with a clear sky. Families took full advantage of the break in the weather to come out and enjoy all the carnival had to offer. Games & rides for all ages were available, and a variety of flavors of food were there to be eaten
The Carnival at Sunset |
Emmily Inserra & Keirsten Owens |
Isabel Gallardo with her Daughter Gai |
Lucia Vasquez & Sydney Mazzella |
Heather Carvellas |
Karen Laul encouraging her son Kieran |
Bogota Sports
Both Bogota teams had victories last night. The Girls Volleyball team shut out the Park Ridge Owls 2-0
Then the Boys Football team came from behind to defeat the Weehawken Indians 50-47
Both Bogota teams had victories last night. The Girls Volleyball team shut out the Park Ridge Owls 2-0
Then the Boys Football team came from behind to defeat the Weehawken Indians 50-47
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Weekend Preview 23-25 Sept.
21-Sept.- 2011
Upcoming events for the weekend of Fri. to Sun. 23-25 of Sept. 2011
-Starting Tues. 20-Sept to Sat. 24 Sept. is the 5th St.Joseph Carnival and Food Festival. Daily from 6:00p to 10:00p ( Fri & Sat until 11:00p). A Seafood Extravaganza Fri.night.
- Sat. & Sun. 24-25 Sept. Bogota VFD Engine #1 and Hook & Ladder #1 Mum sale. from 9:00a to 6:00P (or until Mums last) at the Bogota Rec Center W.Main St. and this year also at the Boxcar Bagel Parking lot 10a River Rd. Bogota.
- Sat. 24-Sept. Bogota Band Parents " Town- Wide " garage sale starting at 10:00a in various location around town.
High School Sports
- Fri. 23- Sept .Girls Volleyball @ Park Ridge 4:00p
- Fri 23- Sept. Boys Football @ Weehawken 7:00p
- Sat 24- Sept. Rec Football @ Fiegel Field starting at 8:45a
- Sat.24 -Sept. Girls Volleyball @ William Patterson Tournament TBA
Upcoming events for the weekend of Fri. to Sun. 23-25 of Sept. 2011
-Starting Tues. 20-Sept to Sat. 24 Sept. is the 5th St.Joseph Carnival and Food Festival. Daily from 6:00p to 10:00p ( Fri & Sat until 11:00p). A Seafood Extravaganza Fri.night.
- Sat. & Sun. 24-25 Sept. Bogota VFD Engine #1 and Hook & Ladder #1 Mum sale. from 9:00a to 6:00P (or until Mums last) at the Bogota Rec Center W.Main St. and this year also at the Boxcar Bagel Parking lot 10a River Rd. Bogota.
- Sat. 24-Sept. Bogota Band Parents " Town- Wide " garage sale starting at 10:00a in various location around town.
High School Sports
- Fri. 23- Sept .Girls Volleyball @ Park Ridge 4:00p
- Fri 23- Sept. Boys Football @ Weehawken 7:00p
- Sat 24- Sept. Rec Football @ Fiegel Field starting at 8:45a
- Sat.24 -Sept. Girls Volleyball @ William Patterson Tournament TBA
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Bogota Football Jr/Sr
The next generation of Bogota Football opened their seasons yesterday at Fiegel Field. They host the teams from River Dell in Junior, Senior , and Pee-Wee football.
The next set of games will also be at Fiegel Field Sat. 24-Sept. as Bogota invites Waldwick to town. Starting with the Junior team at 9:00a ,followed by the Seniors, then finally the Pee-Wees take the field.
The next generation of Bogota Football opened their seasons yesterday at Fiegel Field. They host the teams from River Dell in Junior, Senior , and Pee-Wee football.
The next set of games will also be at Fiegel Field Sat. 24-Sept. as Bogota invites Waldwick to town. Starting with the Junior team at 9:00a ,followed by the Seniors, then finally the Pee-Wees take the field.
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Juniors John Lyons carrying the ball, and some of River Dell, for a first down. |
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Juniors Defense stopping the run. |
Chris Mora on a long run. |
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Garage Sale.
The Bogota Band Parents are holding their annual "Town-Wide" garage sale Sat. 24- Sept. The fee for placing your sale on the map is $10.00 Please contact Sal Donatacci, @ 201-238-0459 or Dianne Occhiogrosso @201-723-1396.
Residents may send the fee by check ,or money order to Bogota Band Parents PO Box 103, Bogota NJ 07603
The Bogota Band Parents are holding their annual "Town-Wide" garage sale Sat. 24- Sept. The fee for placing your sale on the map is $10.00 Please contact Sal Donatacci, @ 201-238-0459 or Dianne Occhiogrosso @201-723-1396.
Residents may send the fee by check ,or money order to Bogota Band Parents PO Box 103, Bogota NJ 07603
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Joseph Noto 1951-2011
A final thought about the life of Joseph Noto, from Mayor McHale, and his friend.
I want to Thank Mayor Pat McHale for his remembrance of his friend, and colleague. And would once again offer our condolences to his Family, and Friends.
A final thought about the life of Joseph Noto, from Mayor McHale, and his friend.
Joe Noto was a unique individual. He loved the New York Yankees but could watch any baseball game no matter who was playing. When visiting his brother in New York State, he would make it a point to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Joe was an avid reader who loved history and politics. He was involved in Bogota politics since 1986 and served on the council for 18 years. Joe really cared about Bogota. He loved cigars and Southern Comfort on the rocks. Joe will be missed by his collegues on the council and more importantly he will be missed as a friend.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mum Sale
13- Sept.-2011
The Bogota Fire Depts. of Engine #1 ,and Hook & Ladder #1 will hold their Mum sale on Sat. & Sun. 24-25 Sept. at the Bogota Rec. 162 W. Main St. Bogota, NJ. The sale will start at 9:00a and go to 1:00p both days. The sale of Mums will go to help with finances of the Fire Dept.
The Bogota Fire Depts. of Engine #1 ,and Hook & Ladder #1 will hold their Mum sale on Sat. & Sun. 24-25 Sept. at the Bogota Rec. 162 W. Main St. Bogota, NJ. The sale will start at 9:00a and go to 1:00p both days. The sale of Mums will go to help with finances of the Fire Dept.
Blessing of the Animals
Trinity Lutheran Church in Bogota will have their first " Blessing of the Animals" service Sun. 2-Oct.-2011. at 11:00a. This will be followed be an animal show by Joe D'Angeli. Mr. D'Angeli is better known as the " NJ Batman". Pastor Peter Olsen, of Trinity wants to show the the World as a whole is is a special place, and all parts of it should be treated with respect. In Rev. Olsen words: "Though given a special obligation to care for the earth and its creatures, human beings were, according to the Biblical narrative, made from the same earth as the animals." With this in mind the service is opened to all members of the community, not just those who belong to Trinity Church. They hope this will be a chance to get to know more of the neighbors in the areas, and to show Trinity to others who might not have the chance to see it for themselves.
If you re interested to joining this service please contact Trinity church at 201-487-3576,or visit their web ste at www.tlcbogotanj.org to find out what animals may be brought , and if there are any restrictions.
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 167 Palisade Ave Bogota NJ.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Bogota will have their first " Blessing of the Animals" service Sun. 2-Oct.-2011. at 11:00a. This will be followed be an animal show by Joe D'Angeli. Mr. D'Angeli is better known as the " NJ Batman". Pastor Peter Olsen, of Trinity wants to show the the World as a whole is is a special place, and all parts of it should be treated with respect. In Rev. Olsen words: "Though given a special obligation to care for the earth and its creatures, human beings were, according to the Biblical narrative, made from the same earth as the animals." With this in mind the service is opened to all members of the community, not just those who belong to Trinity Church. They hope this will be a chance to get to know more of the neighbors in the areas, and to show Trinity to others who might not have the chance to see it for themselves.
If you re interested to joining this service please contact Trinity church at 201-487-3576,or visit their web ste at www.tlcbogotanj.org to find out what animals may be brought , and if there are any restrictions.
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 167 Palisade Ave Bogota NJ.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Vitale's Cook-out
When management at Vitale's restaurant in Teaneck came up with an idea to have a late summer cook-out, they thought it would be just a good way show the Community that they appreciated the support for the past 30 years. They started to make plans on what should take place, and how it should be run. A band was hired, games for both young,& old were arranged, even the idea to get a whole pig to roast happen. Then it came to setting a date. The one day that started to be open was a Sunday, which fell on the 11th of September. For a time another date was looked for. But instead of avoiding that day, they decided to embrace the thought of doing something for the community on a day the that would mean something to the family & friends in the area. So Owner Tony Lamorte, along with Manager Sal Devero set out to made the 1st annual Vitale's BBQ not only a thank-you to the community, but a way to show that lost friends are still remembered, and to honour all who put their lives on the line to help others.
Retired Safety workers from all fields were invited to enjoy a good time, and to let them know the work they have done is always remembered. Family, and friends gather at a familiar spot to relax and enjoy each others company. Just a chance to talk football and catch-up on one another lives. Kids to show off, hairlines to be made fun of. Food was eaten, drinks consumed, and story told. All along the spirit that helps made a group of people a Community. Then a time came when a larger purpose presented itself. A moment of silence was observed , then the name of local citizens that were lost was read. This was followed by the singing of the Nation Anthem. So a party that was only just supposed to be a small thank-you to the area, turned into an event that celebrates community.
It is planned to make this a new annual tradition for Vitale's and for their neighbors near and far
When management at Vitale's restaurant in Teaneck came up with an idea to have a late summer cook-out, they thought it would be just a good way show the Community that they appreciated the support for the past 30 years. They started to make plans on what should take place, and how it should be run. A band was hired, games for both young,& old were arranged, even the idea to get a whole pig to roast happen. Then it came to setting a date. The one day that started to be open was a Sunday, which fell on the 11th of September. For a time another date was looked for. But instead of avoiding that day, they decided to embrace the thought of doing something for the community on a day the that would mean something to the family & friends in the area. So Owner Tony Lamorte, along with Manager Sal Devero set out to made the 1st annual Vitale's BBQ not only a thank-you to the community, but a way to show that lost friends are still remembered, and to honour all who put their lives on the line to help others.
Retired Safety workers from all fields were invited to enjoy a good time, and to let them know the work they have done is always remembered. Family, and friends gather at a familiar spot to relax and enjoy each others company. Just a chance to talk football and catch-up on one another lives. Kids to show off, hairlines to be made fun of. Food was eaten, drinks consumed, and story told. All along the spirit that helps made a group of people a Community. Then a time came when a larger purpose presented itself. A moment of silence was observed , then the name of local citizens that were lost was read. This was followed by the singing of the Nation Anthem. So a party that was only just supposed to be a small thank-you to the area, turned into an event that celebrates community.
It is planned to make this a new annual tradition for Vitale's and for their neighbors near and far
Diana & Jessie Florczyk taking turns at the dunk tank. |
Tony Teresi getting wet. |
Owner Tony Lamorte braving the dunk tank. |
Nicole Bernabeo getting her face painted. |
The band Wildflower providing the music. |
Thomas Lamorte under the watchful eye of Mr. Lamorte. |
Other games being played. |
Gathering of friends to enjoy each other company. |
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sept.-11 Remembrance
St. Joseph's Church in Bogota had a Service in Remembrance of Sept. 11-2011 tonight. In attendance was the Men & Women of the Bogota Emergency Services. Uniforms were placed on the Alter in recognition of the work, and dedication given to the Borough by the First Responders. It also honoured the lives of the Men & Women who have passed away in the line of duty.
St. Joseph's Church in Bogota had a Service in Remembrance of Sept. 11-2011 tonight. In attendance was the Men & Women of the Bogota Emergency Services. Uniforms were placed on the Alter in recognition of the work, and dedication given to the Borough by the First Responders. It also honoured the lives of the Men & Women who have passed away in the line of duty.
Uniforms of Emergency Services on the Alter |
Father Richard Supple giving a final prayer . |
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