Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bogota Borough Council


 On Thursday-20-June, the Bogota Borough Council held their regular meeting for the Month. After Citizen’s remarks the Council voted on the introduction of two ordinances. One is, to Amend Chapter 8 of the Bogota Code regulating businesses within the Borough of Bogota that are engaged in providing autocab, limousine and taxi services in the Borough. Another was to regulate the filming of motion pictures and other recordings in the Borough of Bogota. The Council approved the introduction of both ordinances by unanimous vote. These will be open to Public comment at a future meeting.
  Next the hearing of the 2024 Budget and two ordinances were open to Public Comment. With no member of the public wishing to speak, the Council then approve the Budget and the two ordinances by unanimous vote. One ordinance was to regulate the filming of motion pictures and other recordings in the Borough of Bogota. The second was a Bond Ordinance to provide funding for Fairview Avenue Roadway Improvements.
 Then the Council consider the resolutions on the Consent Agenda. All resolutions were passed. Items of note were:
-To approve the agreement to add ADA ramps and the paving of River Rd.
-To authorize a W. Ft. Lee Rd bus stop project.
  Some announcements given during the report’s session were:
-All plots in the Community Garden have been rented.
-The Recreation Committee has an open seat that needs to be filled.
-Grant funding for additional work for Veterans Memorial Park has been received.
-Test pits have been created to learn about the severity of the sewer line collapse under River Rd. This work on River Rd will not begin until the evening hours to reduce the interruption of traffic. Sewer work is to be finished before the repaving of River Rd which is scheduled to start after the Fourth of July.
-A third party firm is taking a census of the Borough Residents about the number of dogs in Bogota.
-A Change In Use hearing for the Community Center project will be held during the Council meeting on Thursday-18-July at 7:30p.
-The Bergen County Board of Election has certified the results of the Primary Election from June.
 The next meeting will be on Thursday-18-July at 7:30p. This will be held in the Council Chamber on the second floor of Borough Hall at 375 Larch Ave. Bogota, NJ. It will be an in person meeting only and is open to the Public.


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